Gotta “I have a concept of a plan, I know the very best men” vibe from Annatar working on the 9 rings.

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Kemen is heading to Nazgûl-town methinks, or Mouth of Sauron. Ditto, Nazgûl Lord Theo. Dark Wiz to Witch-king. I forsee a possible redemption arc for Earien, much much too late but perhaps she aids in saving a shoot of the White Tree with Isildur.

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When Galadriel handed Elrond the ring, I totally thought that would soften him because of what we know about how rings of power can ensnare, but his response just made me throw up my hands.

I agree whole-heartedly about Tom. I think if he was as over the top as he is in the books, he wouldn't feel grounded in the world. He's still whimsical and unsettling but I like the lean into his wisdom and age.

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The thought of Mirdania being being Celebrian hadn't even crossed my mind... I think I'd like it from an overall plot perspective (could lead to some interesting situations with what's coming, with Sauron and either Galadriel or Elrond) but from the perspective of how the show has handled Galadriel's family, I'd assumed Celebrian hadn't even been born yet as she wasn't mentioned with Celeborn. And to give a false name just feels like *another* instance of trying to surprise the nerds and I'm getting really tired of that in this show.

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Episode 5 was soooo good. Except *that* part. 😭💔 I figured Valandil would die eventually, knowing that Isuldir names his son after him, but to go like that? And not in battle? Ugggggh. I hate Kemen. But it 100% pushed the King's Men vs Faithful storyline so I understand it, from a writer's perspective.

I imagine Kemen does become one of the 9. I saw an interesting theory somewhere that Earien becomes the architect for the temple of Sauron, and I could totally see it!

I just love all things Numenor right now. I can't get enough of Elendil's character arc. (I'm also re-reading The Fall of Numenor right now, so that adds to the 😍)

People have been hating on Tom -- "he's not jolly and silly enough!" -- but I too really like how they've presented him. He's wise and carefree and nothing seems to phase him. I'm really curious how his part of the story progresses -- does he go with the Stoors/Harfoots west when they seek out Suzat? And that's how he ends up where we see him in Fellowship?

I'm sure I have thoughts about other pieces of episodes 4&5 but those are off the top of my head right now. Ep 5 didn't disappoint as it turned the corner into the second half of the season... so much had been building up and now we see it coming together! 👏🏼

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Can I just say I would be so stoked to have Calabrian?! 🩷🩷

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I agree about episode 4. It was ok but not as good as episode 5. I also wish the barrow wights fight would have been longer. Episode 5 was amazing. It made me feel tons of things. It was so nice to finally see Elendil as Elendil. Until now I actually haven’t but now I can see it. And seeing how Annatar manipulated both Celebrimbor and Mirdania makes me feel both disgusted but also impressed on how well they are portraying it.

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I was so happy to see Ents! I wasn’t sure if I should expect them and I was glad they showed up!

I saw that Tom was going to be in the show at some point due to the soundtrack, and I agree the tone they took with him in the show worked extremely well.

I did have a bit of a chuckle when Tom gives the Stranger his robe back after a wash and it’s just.. grey. 😂

I felt like ep 4 was a bit slower paced, although I did think the Galadriel fight with the orcs was kinda cool, really appreciating the headstrong warrior vibe in the series that the younger version of her seems to have in Tolkien’s other stuff.

Episode 5 really picked up the pace, it fell like loose threads were suddenly being drawn together as we are show lots happening in the same time period.

Kemen can absolutely kick rocks, Valandil’s death was thoroughly not okay and I will silently protest about this horrific act.

The cliffhanger I was not expecting?? I was really hoping I was wrong about my episode release timing and that I could go onto ep 6 🥲

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I enjoyed many of the same aspects of both these episodes. One nod to the lore I really enjoyed that also felt natural was Annatar referencing faithful men like Eärendil, Tuor, and Beren to sway Celebrimbor to invest in the Nine. S2E5 had the best pacing of a single episode this season so far. I hope Númenor's storyline doesn't keep moving so quickly. I'm glad it's getting more attention, but also the shift to Ar-Pharazôn was break-neck. Can't wait for next week!

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I really enjoyed both episodes, Episode 4 because it felt so much like Middle-earth to me and episode 5 because we're seeing everything coming together so effectively! I felt episode 5 was especially strong because they dropped one storyline entirely (Harfoots/Stranger) and only ever so briefly checked in on two others (Lindon/Elrond/Gil-galad/Galadriel and Adar). Focusing just on Khazad-dûm, Númenor, and Eregion really gave those plotlines room to breathe. I felt like it was a preview of what a ten or twelve episode season could have looked like

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Do yall think Tolkien ever "fibbed" about Tom Bomadil just to keep the mystery factor up? Like any question about who Tom was basically just a "nope". And Tom was/is important, I just can't shake the feeling that there's more to him. I dunno. I really like how they made his song into a somber but joyous love song vibe, when I always read it as this happy-go-lucky jaunt.

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Sep 13Liked by Breanne Rodgers

Will Kemen be one of the Nazgul or even the witch king? Him being the witch king would be disappointing because he is such a pathetic character.

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Kemen might become Nazgûl. But I agree, him as the Witch King would be disappointing. I’m actually hoping Eärien becomes one of the Nazgûl!

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Brea, question for you - I was always under the impression that the Witch-King was always and already a powerful sorcerer who Sauron further corrupted and bent to his service (in which case the mystery dark wizard would be the only viable character in RoP to develop into the W-K) Did I misinterpret that when I read Tolkien’s description? Was he written as someone who was initially a mortal Man, just the most powerful and corrupted, who learned the ways of sorcery from Sauron?

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“The Stranger finding a goat finally getting a bath”


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And Tom busting in on him totally unphased felt like a nod to how he acts in books when the Hobbits have to remove their clothes when he rescues them from the Barrow-wights. Tom truly doesn’t care 😂

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