I first read lotr over 50 years ago. I’ve read it many times and I’m looking forward to this read along. Although I own 3 sets of the books, I’ve chosen to download the Fellowship to my phone & audio (thanks to cataracts & dyslexia) so I can spend more time blending the reading into my daily life.

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I may be giving my thoughts through out the week because I read a bit slower. I just finished the first chapter. I love it. I love how Tolkien describes Bilbos party.

But what sticks out to me the most is after Bilbo disappears and he and Gandalf are talking about him leaving the ring. It’s after the part where Gandalf gets upset and almost seems to grow bigger in front of Bilbo.

Bilbo is talking about how it may be better to leave the ring. That it has become a burden that is filling his mind more and more.And he says that it feels like an eye looking at him and that he more and more feels the urge to put it on and disappear.

As someone who has struggled with a sort of addiction I can so relate to this and will probably come back to this through this whole read through. Because this is how I have often felt with my struggles. Something that keeps filing my mind. That I have used to disappear from my own reality but at the same time it becomes a burden. A heavy burden. A burden that once I let it go will make my life feel so much easier, just as Bilbo.

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Hello! I’m Rachel from NC (originally OR). My dad read LOTR to me when I was a child, and it’s been my favorite book ever since. I don’t even know how many times I’ve read it at this point. This time, I’m listening to the audiobook with my kids on the drive to school—they’ve only seen the movies, so I’m excited to share it with them!

Also really excited to find this community of fun Tolkien-nerds! I don’t have enough of that irl.

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Hello, Mary here. First read LOTR while Tolkien was still alive, that was in the early ‘70s, and was thrilled when LOTR was named the #1 book of the 20th century back in 1999. Everything about it came alive in my imagination from turning the first page and I’ve never stopped loving it. Harry Potter doesn’t hold a candle to Tolkien’s fascinating novels, imo. Looking forward to this adventure!

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Hi, all! I'm Julia, living on the east coast of Scotland. I've been a longtime fan of the LOTR movies and halfheartedly read the books in my undergrad, but I'm now getting into them (& all the Tolkien lore) in earnest! Really excited to journey with you all.

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So excited to have you here as well!

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19 hrs agoLiked by Breanne Rodgers

Hello all,

David from Marietta Ga here. I grew up in on the east of Cleveland Ohio. If I went west it got to looking very like Mordor, but if I went east, well, that looks like the Shire. (I hope it still does.)

I first read in the Hobbit explosion of the 1960s, and many times since.

I'm looking forward to my 3rd read-through with the group here.

I've read Silmarillion and Unfinished tales lately and it is nice to get back to characters having conversations and Hobbits in the narrative again.

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PS - "Frodo Lives"

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20 hrs agoLiked by Breanne Rodgers

Hi all! I’m April. Currently in Phoenix AZ. I’ve read LOTR once before and am looking forward to rereading for the first time since high school.

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Hello everyone! My name is Genesis and I currently live in Monterey, CA. This is my first time reading LOTR although it's always been a goal of mine. My husband is a huge fan and read all of Tolkein's works when he was in high school so I am looking forward to immersing myself in a world that he loves so much. I've always been intimidated by the series so I was excited to find a group read along!

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Honored to have you here, Genesis! Please don't hesitate to comment any questions or thoughts you may have as we read together!

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21 hrs agoLiked by Breanne Rodgers

Hi all! I’m Jackie, reading from Bremerton, WA. This will be my second full read through. While I grew up loving the movies and the BBC radio drama was our family favorite road-trip entertainment, I only ever read LotR all the way through for the first time over the pandemic. I’ve gone back to my favorite chapters and pages since then, but have mainly focused on making my way through the rest of the legendarium. Have had copious tea and tasty baked good in preparation today, so ready for this second read through!

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22 hrs agoLiked by Breanne Rodgers

Hello fellow Tolkien fans, Ted from Roxborough Park, CO. I first read LOTR in the 70s when I was 14. The first few years I read it multiple times a year. In the early 80s, I slowed down to reading once a year in the fall. Obviously on September 22! I eventually bought the big red special edition and continued that for many years. I now read it in Kindle on my iPad since it is always with me. I am looking forward to reading along with everyone else here. Thank you Breanne for bringing us together. Let it begin!

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22 hrs agoLiked by Breanne Rodgers

I’m reading from New Zealand so I started yesterday. I’m going to be reading intentionally slower this year so I can reference bits of lore in other works.

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Reading from Middle-earth! Glad to have you join in!

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22 hrs agoLiked by Breanne Rodgers

Hello! Dave here from Germantown, Maryland. I'm so glad I found this substack on the right day. This will be my fourth? read-through. The first was in Middle School, and I didn't really understand the depth of it. Second time was in my Twenties and I was amazed by it. Third time was in my 40's, after I'd read the Silmarillion and wanted that perspective. Now, at 57, it feels like time to renew my appreciation.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Breanne Rodgers

I’m from Florida. I’ve read the books through audiobooks once but I want to take more time to really absorb them this time.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Breanne Rodgers

I’m from Kansas. I have read the books via audiobook once but excited to read them in book form this time.

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Sep 23Liked by Breanne Rodgers

Hi everyone, I’m Mark, and I live in the Atlanta area. I have read The Lord of the Rings at least a dozen times, but it has been many years since I’ve done a proper read through. I have been following Brea on TikTok and enjoying her insights into the lore, and that brought me here. Her pocket editions of the books caught my eye, so I ordered my own set, which will be more easily kept at hand than my cumbersome 50th anniversary volume hardback.

I am looking forward to reading through with you all!

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Sep 23Liked by Breanne Rodgers

Hello, im Jeremie and I just finished the Silmarillian, the downfall of numeanor, the unfinished tales and the hobbit. Excited to start reading the great story of the LOTR!!

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